Soledad Theme Free Download v8.4.9 WordPress Theme [Activated]

soledad theme free download

The Soledad theme by Pencidesign is one of the most popular free WordPress themes available today. With its minimalist design and wealth of customization options, Soledad offers an excellent starting point for creating a stylish, modern website.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide everything you need to know to get started with the Soledad theme, from installation and setup to using its versatile features to tailor the design to your unique needs. Whether you’re a WordPress beginner or an experienced web designer, read on to learn how to make the most of this versatile free theme.

An Introduction to the Soledad Theme Free Download

An Introduction to the Soledad Theme Free Download
An Introduction to the Soledad Theme Free Download

Soledad is a multi-purpose WordPress theme with a clean, uncluttered design aesthetic that can work well for a wide range of websites, from personal blogs to business sites. The default design focuses on typography and whitespace to create a minimalist look that puts the focus on your content.

Some of the key features that make Soledad an excellent choice include:

  • Responsive design – The theme adjusts automatically to look great on all screen sizes, from desktop to mobile. This helps improve the user experience for site visitors.
  • Page builder support – Built-in integration with the famous Elementor page builder makes it easy to create custom page designs.
  • Flexible layouts – Choose from boxed or full-width layout options to match your preferences.
  • Custom fonts – Add custom fonts to tailor the look and feel of your site’s typography.
  • Blog display options – Control how blog posts are shown through multiple layout choices.
  • Custom colours – Easily change the main colour scheme with color options in the Customizer.
  • Support for WooCommerce – Run an online store with complete e-commerce integration.
  • Translation ready – Support for creating sites in different languages.
  • SEO optimized – Semantic markup and built-in SEO settings help improve search engine visibility.

In the rest of this guide, we’ll explore how to get Soledad installed, configured, and customized to match your website needs and preferences.

Downloading and Installing Soledad

Downloading and Installing Soledad
Downloading and Installing Soledad

The first step in using Soledad is to download and install the theme files into your WordPress site. Here are step-by-step instructions to get up and running with Soledad quickly:

  1. Sign into your WordPress site’s dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Themes.
  2. Click the Add New button to access the theme library.
  3. Search for “Soledad”. The Soledad theme by Pencidesign should appear as the first result.
  4. Click the Install button, and WordPress will automatically download and install the theme files.
  5. Once installed, click Activate to start using Soledad as your active theme.

That’s all there is to getting Soledad up and running! By default, this will give your site the basic demo design. Next, we’ll look at critical settings you may want to customize.

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Customizing Soledad’s Design Settings

One of the advantages of Soledad is its flexibility. The theme includes various options to control colours, fonts, layouts, and other design elements. Let’s look at where to access the main customization settings.

Customizer Options

The easiest way to tweak Soledad’s design is through the Customizer, which can be accessed by going to Appearance > Customize in your WordPress dashboard. Here are some of the key sections to focus on:

  • Site Identity – Change site title, tagline, and logo
  • Colors – Change the primary color used for elements like links and buttons
  • Background – Set a background color or image
  • Typography – Choose font families for headings and body text
  • Layout – Set site width and boxed or fullwidth page layout
  • Header – Customize elements shown in the header like search and social icons
  • Blog – Control blog page layout, post metadata, and pagination

The live preview in the Customizer makes it easy to test different options until you find a design that suits your site.

Content Width

By default, Soledad sets a maximum content width of 1140px on large screens, adjusting the layout to fit smaller screens on mobile devices.

To change the maximum content width, you can add the following to your child theme or custom CSS:

.container {
max-width: 960px; /* Adjust to your preferred width */

This will adjust container elements like the header, content, and footer to match your ideal content width.

Template Files

Soledad includes a set of template files you can modify to make more advanced changes, like altering the page layout. If you create a child theme, you can override Soledad’s template files to customize the code without losing changes when the theme updates.

Some of the main templates to focus on include:

  • header.php – Code for the header section
  • footer.php – Code for the footer section
  • index.php – Used for blog post listings and archives
  • single.php – Template for individual blog posts
  • page.php – Default template for pages
  • functions.php – For enqueueing scripts/styles and adding custom code

With some PHP, HTML, and CSS knowledge, you can modify these templates to create significant design changes.

Customizing Colors

One of the easiest ways to stamp on Soledad is to change the colour scheme by modifying accent colours like links, buttons, and headings.

In the Customizer, navigate to the Colors section. Here, you’ll find a set of color pickers to change elements like:

  • Primary Color – The main color used for elements like links, buttons, and highlights
  • Site Title – Color for your site name
  • Site Tagline – Color for the site description
  • Header Background – Background color for the header
  • Footer Background – Background color for the footer

You can use the colour picker or enter a specific hex colour code to match your brand colours. As you adjust colours, the live preview will update to show how your changes will look.

If you want to go beyond the built-in color options, add custom CSS rules to your child theme to change other elements. For example:

/* Change H1 and H2 heading color */
h1, h2 {
color: #333;

/* Change blockquote color */
blockquote {
color: #666;

With some basic CSS knowledge, you have endless possibilities for customizing Soledad’s colours.

Choosing Custom Fonts

The fonts you choose for headings, body text, and other elements help define the style and brand of your site. Soledad makes it easy to use custom fonts for a unique look.

In the Typography section of the WordPress customizer, you can choose default font families for:

  • Headings – Apply to all H1, H2, etc. headings.
  • Body – Main font for all standard paragraph text.

You can choose from standard web fonts like Arial, Verdana, Helvetica or Georgia. To use a custom Google Font:

  1. Go to Google Fonts and find the fonts you want to use.
  2. Select your desired weights (e.g., 400 regular and 700 bold).
  3. Click the “+” icon to add fonts to your collection.
  4. At the bottom, copy the provided embed code.
  5. In the Soledad customizer, paste the code into the Google Fonts field.
  6. Select your chosen fonts under the heading and body dropdowns.

This will fetch the fonts from Google’s servers and apply them to your site. Be sure to choose fonts that complement each other and align with your overall design goals.

You can also use @font-face to add custom fonts by uploading font files and adding CSS rules in your child theme. This allows you to use almost any font you have a license for.

Customizing the Header

The header is one of the most prominent elements on any WordPress site. Soledad provides several customization options to help personalize your header design.

Choosing Logo & Site Identity Elements

In the Site Identity section of the Customizer, you can:

  • Upload a logo – Your logo will appear next to your site title and description.
  • Adjust logo size – Scale your logo larger or smaller as needed.
  • Change title & tagline – Modify your site name and description text.
  • Hide elements – Optionally turn off the title, tagline, or logo.
  • Colours – As mentioned earlier, pick custom colors for the title and tagline.

Take the time to choose a logo and identity text that represents your brand well.

To add navigation menus:

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus to create/edit menus.
  2. Select menu locations and add menu items to build your main site navigation.
  3. Save the menu to make it appear in the header.

The header supports a main horizontal menu and an optional vertical side menu. Adjust font sizes, colours, and other styling through the Customizer.

Optional Header Elements

The header can also include:

  • Search icon – Enable header search bar.
  • Social menu – Add social media icon links.
  • Contact info – Add text like email and phone number.

Enable and customize these elements in the Customizer under the Header section.

These options allow you to create a header adapted for your site navigation, branding, and functionality needs.

Customizing Blog and Post Layouts

Customizing Blog and Post Layouts
Customizing Blog and Post Layouts

With Soledad being ideal for blogs and online magazines, it provides robust options for showcasing blog content differently.

Blog Page Layout

On blog archive pages that list multiple posts, you can choose between these Blog Page Layout options in the Customizer:

  • List – Posts are shown in a vertical list with featured images on the left.
  • Grid – Posts are shown in a grid layout with featured images.
  • List Alternative – A more condensed vertical list view of posts.

Pick the layout that provides the best experience for your readers.

Post Layout Options

Within individual posts, you have complete control over the layout and elements like:

  • Featured image – Choose whether to show full-bleed images or cropped thumbnails.
  • Post content width – Set a maximum content width of 100% or narrower.
  • Post meta – Select which metadata, like dates and author, to display.
  • Highlighted post areas – Show an intro text area and featured image caption.

All these settings and more are located under the Blog section of the Customizer.

Additionally, you can create custom post templates with unique layouts in a child theme and assign them to individual posts or categories. The possibilities are endless for crafting post designs tailored to your content.

Top Soledad Add-Ons and Integrations

Top Soledad Add-Ons and Integrations
Top Soledad Add-Ons and Integrations

One benefit of Soledad is its support for many popular WordPress plugins and page builders that add expanded functionality:

Elementor Page Builder

Soledad includes custom integration with Elementor, one of the most powerful WordPress page builders. Using Elementor, you can create:

  • Custom page templates – Build pages with advanced multi-column layouts, image galleries, popups, and other elements.
  • Styled templates – Choose from pre-made Elementor templates explicitly created for Soledad.
  • Dynamic content – Add counters, progress bars, tabs, accordions, and other dynamic elements.

With the wealth of options in Elementor, you can extend Soledad’s design capabilities to craft custom page and post layouts.


Suppose you want to build an online store. In that case, Soledad is fully compatible with WooCommerce, the most popular e-commerce platform for WordPress.

Soledad provides a stylish base for your shop pages like:

  • Product archives – Display products attractively in a grid or list view.
  • Single product pages – View detailed product images, descriptions, and add-to-cart options.
  • Cart and checkout – Run a full shopping cart and checkout process.
  • My Account – Allow customers to register and view order history.

With built-in WooCommerce support, you can set up a robust online store with Soledad.

Translation Plugins

Soledad is translation-ready, so you can easily convert your site into multiple languages with plugins like:

Add as many languages as you need: Soledad delivers localized content to readers worldwide.

For additional customization options, the Soledad developers offer affordable paid add-on packs with extras like:

  • Custom Elementor widgets and templates
  • Additional colour options
  • Header and blog layout expansions
  • GDPR enhancements
  • Sticky navigation support

These optional add-ons let you extend Soledad further based on your budget and needs.

Comparing Soledad to Other Popular Themes
Comparing Soledad to Other Popular Themes

So, how does Soledad stack against some of the other free WordPress themes? Here’s a quick comparison of a few popular alternatives:

  1. Astra

Astra is one of the fastest and most customizable free themes. Key differences:

  • Astra offers more header and blog layout options out of the box.
  • Soledad includes custom Elementor integration and templates.
  • Soledad has a more visually lightweight, minimalist design.

2. GeneratePress

GeneratePress is another lightweight theme focused on speed.

  • GeneratePress is faster, but Soledad is relatively fast as well.
  • Soledad includes more styling for a finished look.
  • GeneratePress needs more customization work upfront.

3. Ocean WP

OceanWP is a popular free theme with lots of style options.

  • OceanWP has more built-in styles and demos.
  • Soledad presents a cleaner overall design aesthetic.
  • Soledad allows logo uploads; OceanWP requires custom code.

This comparison shows that Soledad strikes an outstanding balance between customization options and a versatile, easy-to-use interface.

Get Started With Soledad Today

We’ve only scratched the surface of what’s possible with the Soledad theme. With its solid design and wide-ranging configuration options, Soledad is a fantastic way to create beautiful, responsive sites on WordPress.

To get started with Soledad for free, simply:

  1. Install WordPress through any significant hosting provider.
  2. Download, install, and activate Soledad.
  3. Use the Customizer and settings covered here to tailor your design.
  4. Add content and take your site live!

Soledad empowers users of all skill levels to craft stunning modern websites. Give Soledad a try and see why it’s a worldwide go-to theme choice among WordPress users.


What types of websites is Soledad best suited for?

With its clean, minimalist design, Soledad works great for a wide variety of sites – blogs, small business websites, online magazines, portfolios, and more. It’s a flexible multi-purpose theme.

What are the steps to install Soledad?

It’s easy to install Soledad. Just login to your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance > Themes, search for “Soledad”, click install, and activate. Then visit the Customizer to begin customizing the design.

How can I customize Soledad without coding?

The WordPress Customizer provides a user-friendly way to modify Soledad’s design without any coding required. You can change colors, fonts, layout options and more from the live preview.

Does Soledad work with page builders like Elementor?

Yes, Soledad includes custom integration with the Elementor page builder. This allows you to easily create custom page layouts and take advantage of Elementor’s extensive design features.

Can I translate my Soledad site into other languages?

Soledad is fully translation ready. You can use plugins like WPML or Polylang to create a multilingual Soledad site and translate all your content.

What are some good plugins to use with Soledad?

Some popular plugins include WooCommerce for ecommerce, contact form plugins like WPForms, SEO plugins like Yoast SEO, and security plugins like Wordfence to protect your Soledad site.

Where can I get help customizing Soledad if needed?

The Pencidesign support forum is very active. You can also find lots of Soledad tutorials on their site and around the web. There are also affordable customization services available.

Is Soledad free to use on client projects?

Yes, Soledad is 100% free to use on both personal and client projects. The paid add-ons are optional for extra features.

Does Soledad meet accessibility standards?

Soledad aims to meet WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standards right out of the box to ensure your site is inclusive and accessible. But accessibility requires ongoing effort.

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